Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring Break

In my humble opinion, spring break is a huge waste of time and an impetus for procrastination. Similar to blogging.

I had a really wonderful spring break despite the vast amount of time I wasted not doing my final projects. I did some work, but never enough.

Here's what did go down. In list format because that's what I'm good at.

1. I skipped my Thursday night class and drove to Troy. We don't do anything.

2. Joe and I celebrated our one year anniversary on Friday. We had dinner with his friend Zack and his girlfriend Lauren, which turned out to be weird and expensive outing that really shouldn't have been. The owner, a sushi chef, ordered dinner for us. Joe ate chicken on a Friday and I ate a $35 plate of sashimi and nigiri sushi. We think it's because Joe got a bottle of wine.

3. Joe bought me a pretty pretty necklace for our 1-year. A key with a fleur-de-lis top. The fleur-de-lis is the symbol Louisville sticks on everything. That we met in Louisville makes the fleur-de-lis appropriate and the key sticks to its cliche. There are teeny tiny diamonds in it.

4. I turned 22 on Saturday. 22 is a stupid number. Extraordinarily unexciting and pointless. Joe's mom made a gluten free cake.

5. Joe gave me a Simpsons audio card which featured Bart saying things like fart and doody and Skinner is a nut he has a rubber butt. Inside there were two Groupons to a therapeutic massage place in Dayton. Woot!

6. On Saturday we went for a long bike ride and then went to get our massages. Full body massages in a dark, candle lit room, with calming music. It was lovely. My masseuse focused on my head, neck, jaws, shoulders and upper back, which is where I keep all my stress and tension. Joe's masseuse focused on his entire back, which always hurts, because his hamstrings are too tight. We were zombies for the rest of the day.

7. Afterward, we went to a shopping center called the Greene, got tea, and sat outside in the sunshine. It was gorgeous outside and really relaxing.

8. On Sunday we went to look at a house that Joe was thinking of buying. It was nice, small, needed a little work, cheap, and a block away from an awesome meat/deli shop. However, Joe's not ready to buy yet.

9. On Monday I did homework while Joe was at work. His mom and I took a short (actually really long, like 2 hours) break to drive around Troy, look at houses, and get frozen custard.

10. Tuesday I drove up to Bellefontaine to have an interview with a YMCA camp for an assistant equestrian director position. Really, it's just a fancy title for barn manager/camp instructor/riding instructor/horse trainer/staff manager. I was there for 2.5 hours. I rode a horse at a walk and trot and demonstrated my riding abilities, especially my ability to "collect" a horse. I don't think it's the right position for me. I would have the opportunity to do a little communications/marketing stuff but mostly I would be working about 60-70 hrs a week for $300 + room & board.

11. One of the above days Joe and I went exploring in the woods near his house. I fell in the creek while trying to take a photo. Oops.

12. Tuesday night we watched a movie called The Lottery about the public vs. charter schools in New York. It was fascinating and biased.

13. On Wednesday I woke up at 5:15 after finally falling asleep at 12:30 and drove down to the University of Cincinnati for an interview with Teach for America. There were 11 applicants and 2 interviewers. First we each taught a 5 minute lesson on any subject for K-12th grades. I taught a lesson on poetry rhyme schemes. It went ok. Then we had a group activity, a discussion about TFA, a 20 question logic test, break for lunch, then we had individual interviews with the interviewers. Overall, it was just okay. I don't know. I'll find out on April 3rd.

14. Joe and I played basketball outside. He was trying to prove he could dunk. He did. Then I missed like a million and a half 3 pointers.

15. On Thursday I did homework. Went for a run, which was awesome and painful, because I'd been sitting around like a whale for a week.

16. We wandered around Brukner Nature Center and got really close to a few deer. It was awesome. I also found a feather. Then we got Panera.

17. Thursday night Joe and I made a bonfire and roasted stale marshmallows. We also threw them at each other and a light pole.

18. Friday I made more attempts to do homework and went for another awesome run which was painful.

19. I hung out with Joe's parents until Joe came home in the evening and then we went to get sushi and a movie- My Sassy Girl. It's a chick flick and Joe picked it out. It was a good movie!

20. On Saturday we went to Charleston Falls to go hiking. We hiked a few miles. The waterfall was cool, but we couldn't wander around underneath it. I mean, we did venture off the trail and explore the stream and woods. We saw a little garter snake and these giant crazy thorns that would have killed you! We picnicked by the stream, ate awesome sandwiches and vegetables and kiwis. It was perfect!

21. In the afternoon we went to meet Joe's sister, her two little kids, and his mom at a park in Troy. They're cute kids!

22. Then we went home, showered and drove down to the outlet mall just north of Cincinnati. We had a coupon for 30% off everything at Gap and Banana Republic. Both stores were having immense sales. I bought $95 worth of stuff (on sale already) for $66. I saved $106 at Gap. Then I bought a $50 skirt at Banana Republic for $22. Seriously a steal. Joe got a really nice summer suit at Banana Republic for $150, plus some shoes, a couple shirts and a pair of pants.

23. Sunday we churched then I left for Louisville because I have a million.2 things to do. Including drawing a house to scale, building a model of it, interviewing people about their meat consumption, writing a paper about that meat consumption, finishing my content analysis so I can start testing, go grocery shopping, and clean my apartment.

24. That's all. I'll post pictures in another post and then I probably won't do anything big on here until I graduate. Priorities, people, priorities.

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