Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Nicaragua Part 1

Joe and I took our honeymoon in Nicaragua. It was perfect beyond our wildest dreams. Here are some of my favorite photos. These are mostly from Granada.

At the airport, awaiting our adventure.

View from the door of our hotel room at Hotel Spa Granada.

Colonial architecture abounds in Granada.

At Mombacho Cigar Museum.

Joe testing his cigar on the streets of Granada.

Lake Nicaragua. 

The market in Granada. The most intimidating (and smelly) place you can imagine.

The stairway in the tower of a church. Highest view in the city.

Do you see the sweat marks on my shirt? It was constant. We stopped noticing.

Mountains and Granada from the church tower.

My favorite photo of Granada? 

The art gallery in Granada. It was massive, full of local artists' paintings and crafts. 

Taking a break. 

Grecian style church in Granada.

Part 2 - Granada, Laguna de Apoyo and Mombacho

Friday, December 27, 2013

A Year of Astounding Change: Grateful

1:What did you do in 2013 that you’d never done before?
I got married, traveled to Central America, bought a house, moved to Ohio, begun renovating a house... I could go on and on. Wow.
2:Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I can't remember my New Year's resolution. I ought to set realistic goals.
3:Did anyone close to you give birth?
Yes, several people. Their babies are beautiful.
4:Did anyone close to you die?
Yes, my grandmother and my cousin's husband.
5:What countries did you visit?
I went to Nicaragua. It was unreal. I am forever changed.
6:What would you like to have in 2014 that you lacked in 2013
More self confidence, and a job I like more than my last.
7:What dates from 2013 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
Well, my wedding day, every day of my honeymoon, John Mayer concert. They were momentous for obvious reasons.
8:What was your biggest achievement of the year?
I got married and traveled outside the country. Also I am running the house renovations. And I finally put things on Etsy. I went paleo/whole 30 for a month.
9:What was your biggest failure?
My job. 
10:Did you suffer illness or injury?
I may have gotten sick.
11:What was the best thing you bought?
My wedding dress, which was technically bought in 2012, but it's the best. Also any gift I gave to another person.
12:Whose behaviour merited celebration?
??? My family? 
13:Whose behaviour made you appalled?
The guy who dropped me at my wedding. Ha.
14:Where did most of your money go?
Wedding, honeymoon, house renovations, student loans, Christmas gifts.
15:What did you get really, really, really excited about?
My wedding duh. And Nicaragua. And Christmas. And summer. And John Mayer.
16:What song will always remind you of 2013?
Any song from John Mayer's Paradise Valley album, specifically Waiting on the Day (cake cutting song!). And You are the Best Thing by Ray LaMontagne (first dance song!)
17:Compared to this time last year, are you: (a) happier or sadder? (b) thinner or fatter? (c) richer or poorer?
I am happier, thinner, richer (not just monetarily). Wow.
18:What do you wish you’d done more of?
Talk to my family members. Go outside.
19:What do you wish you’d done less of?
20:How did you spend Christmas?
With my family in below-freezing Wisconsin. It was beautiful.
21:Did you fall in love in 2013?
Every day.
22:What was your favourite TV program?
Mindy Kaling Project made it to the top of my list. 
23:Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
24:What was the best book you read?
Inside of a Dog by Alexandra Horowitz
25:What was your greatest musical discovery?
Night Beds and Local Natives
26:What did you want and get?
I wanted a quilt made by my other grandmother. Got one. I also got a new camera.
27:What did you want and not get?
A horse, but that is not surprising. 
28:What was your favourite film of this year?
I don't remember. Silver Linings Playbook is the only film I remember watching.
29:What one thing made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Well, my wedding. And Nicaragua. Hard to beat that.
30:How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2013?
I'm not sure how to describe. But I've become more confident in my choices and am more willing to take a risk on something trendy.
31:What kept you sane?
Being able to run again. And my husband.
32:Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Well... John Mayer. 
33:What political issue stirred you the most?
I'm not sure. I feel very passionately about the encroachment of government and the police state.
34:Who did you miss?
My husband when we were long distance. My family. My grandma at Christmas.
35:Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2013.
People may judge me but it is still my right to make decisions for myself and pursue the things that interest me most. And, almost everything we have in this modern, western life, is frivolous and unnecessary. The most important things in life are health, happiness, friends and family, nature, doing what you love and God.
36:Quote a song lyric that sums up your year.
Just remember on the way home, you were never meant to feel alone... AND a little bit of summer's what the whole year's all about...

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Add it to your wishlist!

I've been dreaming of this clutch since I first bought a beautiful white elk hide from the Leatherhead in Louisville. It's the softest, most supple, most even hide I've seen (I hope to see many more!), and I fell in love immediately.

Shibori was trending at the time I bought it, and I knew the combination would be a home-run. I had to wait quite a few months before I could put my idea into action - the wedding, the move, the honeymoon, house renovations, all took up a good deal of time. But I figured it out and I got the first bag done!

The upper part of the bag is white denim which I dyed blue using the shibori style. The white elk hide makes up the bottom and it's lined with blue ticking. A heavy duty brass zipper is topped off with a leather tassel.

This is the sort of bag you take out on a dinner date, gift to a stylish girlfriend, or use everyday because it's just that pretty. It's utilitarian - it won't fall apart - it's modern but classic - incorporating three ancient products into a bold statement. It's bright but will go with everything. It says, "I'm fun, but I also take my style seriously. Let's get tea or coffee, I do both."

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The It Girl's Fall Style

Late fall means grey skies here. It makes me a little moody, resulting in me keeping my sweatpants and sweatshirt on all day, even when I have to run errands. Here's a better option for when you do have to go outside.

First and foremost, you need a FAB jacket. I am obsessed with this fur shawl collar jacket. Eep! A white tshirt or thin sweater with a sexy v neck is comfy but shows off the décolletage. A lot better than a high school track shirt. Some skinny grey/black denim can be worn over and over again so they get the right softness. Hot booties in a chic color are easy to put on and much cuter than gym shoes or Sperrys. Grab the black fedora before heading out the door and no one will know you have messy, slept on, (maybe dirty) hair. Last but not least, work it girl!

The It Girl's Fall Style

American Vintage short sleeve t shirt
$72 - the-dressingroom.com

New Look grey jacket
$64 - zalando.co.uk

Rag Bone hat

Monday, November 11, 2013

English Country Girl Unzipped

I sure have a thing for the English countryside, equestrian look. I'm currently loving ankle zip jeans, so let's mesh em together!

Our English countryside girl is a bit of a vixen, and zippers on the sweater and the jeans let her reveal a little, or a lot. Cozy knits keep the chill away; tough boots let her wander the hills dreaming of Mr. Darcy, and the classic sunglasses with a classic red lip will create just the right amount of intrigue when she finds her Darcy.

English Country Girl Unzipped

Faux leather jacket
$64 - newlook.com

Stretch jeans

Topshop lacing boots
$190 - topshop.com

Ray-Ban sunglasses
$290 - nelly.com

Friday, November 1, 2013

Poppin in to say...

I'm pretty much dying over this picture. I've been fairly horse obsessed since spending a day at Quarter Horse Congress, and there's very little I want more right now than to get dressed for a day of horseback riding with my very own horse. It's a long ways off, and it hurts to allow this want to come to the surface, but I also don't want to repress it - and put off pursuing horse ownership - any more. Back to daydreaming...

Thursday, September 19, 2013

A List

Making: messes. renovating and moving into a new home ain't for the faint of heart.
Cooking: vegetables and meat. more sweet potatoes!
Drinking: so much tea. and a new gf beer. and all that leftover grapefruit juice (with lime!) from the wedding.
Reading: Sherlock Holmes second volume.
Wanting: thick sweaters. and too much new stuff for our house.
Looking: for new opportunities.
Playing: the Louisville Cardinals. may they win everything this year. again.
Wasting: paper towels. so much cleaning to do.
Sewing: nothing. yet.
Wishing: the house progress would move faster.
Enjoying: the perfect summer-fall transitional weather.
Waiting: for Christmas. I'm too excited this year.
Liking: seeing Joe at lunch every day, and crawling into bed with him every night.
Wondering: what's coming next year. what will I do, how will it proceed, what's in store?
Loving: my husband and the life we're figuring out how to live.
Hoping: for organization. familiarity.
Marveling: at the amazing neighborhood we live in.
Needing: a church home. a barn home.
Smelling: pinesol. everywhere. on everything.
Wearing: wedge sneakers. gotta fit in at the starbucks on UD's campus.
Following: the lives of people I don't know. what is that?
Noticing: I care less about the internet/tv and more about living after 2 weeks in Nicaragua
Knowing: winter is coming :( but I can finally snuggle my husband when I get sad and cold :)
Thinking: about travel and writing. I need it.
Feeling: sore. a real workout this morning plus the workout I got while cleaning the floor was a little much today.
Bookmarking: sweaters and vests and dining tables.
Opening: wedding presents and cards still. love it. love feeling that much love.
Giggling: finally. it's much happier being together than apart.
Feeling: excited (but a little overwhelmed!)

Thanks to Sydney over at the Daybook for the idea.

Monday, August 19, 2013


I've finally decided to post some of my photography on Etsy. I currently have simple 8x10 prints printed on Fuji Pearl Paper and mounted on sturdy matboard suitable for all types of framing or mounting.

I feel like I've got a good collection going and I wanted to do something with it other than share it on Facebook. Good feedback, but I want more! :)

Here's a sampling!

Check out the rest here!

lake, kentucky, taylorsville lake, fog, morning, fishing, hiking, camping
hawaii, oahu, mountains, north shore, landscapeapples, fruit, breakfast, farmers market,

waterfront, ocean, beach, hawaii, oahu, north shore, landscapemarsh, photography, cattail, nature, fog, lake, wisconsin

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

It just gets more and more interesting!

Well here's another mind-blowing weekend account. This is getting to be the norm, I'm getting spoiled.

Wednesday, July 3
I took a half day at work (wooo!) and then headed up to Ohio to meet Joe at his work's new office, and then go to our brand new house! We closed on it earlier in the day and couldn't wait to go in and talk more about the design, etc! We ripped up the carpet in the office and started ripping it up upstairs. Then the contractor came over to talk to us about the next steps - roof, gutters, electricity, plumbing, HVAC, floors. Whew. We have our work cut out for us. After all that, we got a celebratory dinner (and dessert, duh) at La Piazza in Troy. The dessert was heaven - peanut butter, caramel, fudge ice cream parfait. No joke.

Thursday, July 4
We attempted a run, but my knee hurt too bad to go more than 3/4 a mile. We walked back during the parade in Troy and then packed up the car to drive to Wisconsin. We drove all day - made great time since everyone else was doing 4th of July stuff. My mom made a delicious dinner and we just relaxed for the rest of the evening.

Friday, July 5
After Joe and I killed a workout on my parent's driveway, we went with my dad to his office to go "shopping" for bathroom tile in his warehouse. He has so much extra, leftover tile from jobs that he's practically begging us to tile our whole house. We got a gorgeous combination of tiles and I am sososososo excited. We picked a 12x12 sandstone-looking striated tile for the floor; a long, thin horizontal set of tiles in the same sandstoney color but with different textures for the bathtub enclosure and the opposite wall above the vanity; and a gorgeous pale aqua glass subway tile for the wall the bathtub faucet will be on, and about shoulder height on the wall in the bathtub enclosure area. Guh-orgeous.
Then we got all googly-eyed over the BMW motorcycles at a nearby bike shop. Yum.
After that, we picked up our monogram cake topper which was laser cut out of plexiglas, and we got an aluminum one, too, for our front door. :)
We went home and relaxed a little before people started coming over for my Pampered Chef wedding shower. My grandpa described the Unity Cross he is going to be building for our ceremony, and subsequently our home. I got to see my aunts, grandma and several cousins, and my bridesmaid, Amanda! The Pampered Chef shower was nice and I got a lot of neat things which I'm pretty excited about. It's a little weird to ask people to buy you things, but whatever. Only chance I get, right? Of course, I showed everyone our tile selections and pictures of the house and they oohed and aahed. It was great. My mom also coordinated the decoration of an apron by my bridesmaids and family members. She sent it to the people who couldn't make it to the shower and they all wrote words of wisdom on it. So sweet. (My favorite might be the John Mayer lyrics to Heart of Life around the edge, added by Sarah P. Shh.) During the shower, Joe and my dad went to a Brewers game, but they lost because they suck.

Saturday, July 6
In the morning, my mom and I went to have my final dress fitting. My cardio has payed off! Thank God! The dress fit a little better, but I can't slack off! I want to lose a little bit more so I can sit down more comfortably. Haha. Then we hit up a garage sale. My mom got a cute little china vase, and I got a small, teal ceramic vase perfect for the kitchen windowsill, as well as four ceramic, blue and green bowls handmade by someone in Phlox, Wisc., in 1970-something, as well as two little spools of raspberry colored thread to match a knit I recently bought.
My other grandpa came over later in the afternoon for an early dinner. He brought our wedding gift with him - a bright red KitchenAid mixer! *heart eyes smiley* It was nice to see him and he kept saying how happy Grandma was that she got to go with me to buy my wedding dress before she died. *tear smiley* He seems to be doing well, and I'm happy he talks about Grandma.
Thennnn, Joe and I drove down to Summerfest in Milwaukee to see John Mayer perform his first big, big performance in three years. Whut. *ten heart eye smileys* Omg. It was such a great concert.  Like, really great. He sounded good, he played amazingly, and he introduced a couple brand new songs. I'm obsessed with Wildfire. He declared his love for Katy Perry and graciously thanked the audience approximately 100 times. The backdrop was awesome - southwestern rock formations against a digital montage of night sky and desert graphics. I finally bought my first JM shirt, a rad tank top, and I got my picture taken in front of a backdrop of the new album cover. That was to promote his involvement with NCIRE and VHIP (Veteran's Health and Integration Program). Did you know he is privately funding the research for PTSD treatments for veterans? Now you do. His involvement with veteran's health is not talked about much, but it's very significant and inspiring. Kind of want to get involved.
Anyway, we didn't get home until like 12:30.

Sunday, July 7
Slept through my alarm, missed church. My parents didn't go either, opting to let us sleep and then have breakfast with us before we hit the road. But, we ended up hitting the road a little late and got stuck in traffic like 80 times. We went to the house in Dayton where we met up with Joe's parents, sister Sarah and brother, Greg, as well as my cat, Titus. We showed them the house, swapped our cars and stuff, and then I got back on the road to Louisville in Joe's car (*scared smiley*). I didn't get home until 11. That sucked.

And now, I'm back at work. Week 1 of 4. Almost done. Then end is in sight! Woohoo!

Next up - dance lessons (poor Joe) and more house things and more wedding things. Oh boy!

Ps. At some point, I will add photos to these posts, just don't have time to upload & edit. 

Over the weekend

Well this past weekend was interesting.

Friday we celebrated our dear friend Mario's birthday. It was sort of a surprise. Haha. I made a cookie/brownie mixture for him in a springform pan. But I forgot the candles and the icing to write Happy Birthday. Geez. Fail. It was a fun evening.

Saturday could have started well. Joe and I went out to Cherokee park to run trails, and just as we hitting our stride, feeling good, I totally bit it. Hard. I hit a little stump with my left foot and went down, sliding quite a ways. I bashed up my knee, ripped open my hand and acquired quite a few beautiful scratches on my right arm and leg. We had to stop running and get me cleaned up. :(

Unable to use my right hand, I couldn't make our blueberry dumpling cobbler midmorning breakfast number two. Joe took over and did a mighty fine job! The recipe is extremely easy to follow, and assuming you already have your chosen flour ground, doesn't take long at all! And holy cow is it delicious.

After that, we met our friend Kyle who is in charge of distilling over at Michter's for a private tour and tasting. Michter's makes some mighty fine bourbon, at least that's what I'm told by people who like bourbon. I just can't handle it. What an exciting opportunity for our friend though! He loves it!

After that, we started getting ready to go take our engagement pictures (finally!). Our photographer is Lauren Smith, and she is just wonderful. We went to Bernheim Arboretum and had a lot of fun. Joe and I had two outfit changes. I did my hair really pretty and it totally exploded after one walk across the field, haha. We'll see how that looks. We had some really dramatic clouds that evening and we both looked pretty good. I can't wait to see how they turn out, I'm a little anxious!

After our pictures were done, Joe surprised me with a brand new Nikon D5100 and a Saddleback camera bag. This is my/our wedding gift, but I had no idea!

On Sunday we met with the music coordinator at the church and got our music all set up! Then we spent the afternoon at the park, sippin' orange cream sodas, playing with the new camera, and dreaming about our house and travel and dogs.

Then we had to say goodbye. But we're one week closer! 

Friday, June 28, 2013

Sustenance - Oasis

My back pressed against a cool granite bench, I gaze into and through the tree swaying, sometimes frenetically, above my head. The strong breeze sometimes drowns the chirping birds. But it's the sound of the city - large trucks, bad brakes, church bells - that drown the breeze, the birds, the rustling of the leaves.

I'm transported, out of body, to the shore of Lake Tahoe, the park, a vision in my head of a place I've never been, the home I'm about to make, the seclusion of my parent's yard. It's all birds, whispering leaves, blue sky flecked with fluffy clouds, and when I close my eyes I lose the vision, I hear only the city, feel the trembling through the granite bench. But the wind and the sunlight bouncing over my eyelids saves me from the despair of another moment among the trucks, the concrete, the leering men.

I don't know how I have lasted this long. In this moment, I am the closest to myself I have been in a very long time.

Exasperation. I feel it but do not wish to express it because it will change nothing and I do not want to seem ungrateful. In truth I am very blessed, but I am out of my element, so far out of my element I sometimes forget what it even is. And then a moment comes along - this moment - that yanks me so far back to the most grounded and complete and lost portion of my soul. I remember that it is still possible to feel sane, connected, grateful, observant, present, at peace.

I dream and I dream of this feeling, and there it was. I will savor it, search for it, long for it. And pray that they not be so far and few between. Sustenance.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


My younger brother, who is in the Navy, is just now discovering some underlying talent for hand lettering and drawing. Like, way better than I am and I consider myself artistic.
It makes sense though, artistic talent runs in my family. One of my great grandpas did his own taxidermy, however awful it was reported to be by my family members. Another great grandpa started a tile floor covering business. One of my grandmothers paints, plays piano and makes quilts. Her husband, my grandpa does woodworking and mosaics. My other grandma was great at sewing and knitting. My dad plays guitar and does woodworking. He also went to school for commercial design and was/is an avid photographer and illustrator. He even developed his own film. My mom is the least creative of my immediate family, but she sang to us as children and is a very good sewer. My older brother enjoys photography, illustrating stained-glass type crosses, he also makes his own knife blades and plays some guitar. I did nearly every artsy thing offered through 4-h as a child. I paint, draw, sew, make stained glass, dabble in woodwork and leather craft, play(ed) piano, do photography, dabble in graphic design and hand lettering.
My mind is blown at how creative and eccentric we all are. You wouldn’t guess it because we’re all very quiet and logical individuals. But secretly, we’re artsy fartsy folks. 

Friday, June 7, 2013

Do you ever wonder..

if you've lived another life before?

Sometimes things happen, or I see something, or I go somewhere and it feels like it's already been a part of me, like I've lived it in another life. It's a sort of nostalgia, but on a different level.

The first time I felt this way was when I visited New Mexico with my family. I was 12 or 13 maybe. I can remember standing on the edge of our campsite, just looking at the dirt and the horizon, and thinking, this is a part of me, this is/was/could be home, I belong here.

The second time I experienced it was in northern Minnesota on the shores of Lake Superior. It was a north woods I had never known, yet known in the very depths of my soul. The wood, the smell, the sound, the air, the sky all tapped in.

What is that?

Similar experiences involve songs. I heard the song 1957 by Milo Greene recently, and I had the eye-popping, stop breathing feeling of whoa, this song speaks to something inside me that I don't know. Now pair it with photos that match the imagery in the song (a bit more north woodsy stuff), and I'm done.

The other song, no images involved but the ones you can create in your own mind, elicits an overwhelming emotional response as well. Edge of Desire by John Mayer struck me instantaneously, the first couple notes hit me and I dissolved in utter disbelief, unable to comprehend the feelings I was experiencing. I still don't know.

What is this?

What part of my soul, my inner being, my mind, am I so unaware of that brings on these moments? Are these remnants of my earliest moments of childhood? Is it in my genes, my blood? Are our souls written for the world and edited by the circumstances in which we grow up?

I love this feeling but it always makes me wonder, am I living correctly!? Should I be pursuing these untapped regions of my soul more purposefully? I don't know. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

You're going where!?

Every time Joe and I mention we're honeymooning in Nicaragua, we're met with looks of surprise, mingled with disdain, scorn, fear and a smirk at our perceived naivete. This response comes mostly from people who are older than us. People our age and younger think it's fantastic.

I have an issue with this. With the older people anyway.

Why would you judge us for taking an opportunity to travel to a place and culture we have never been? Do you have a problem with us expanding our travel log and our experiences and our understanding of a different culture? Why are you judging a culture and place you know nothing about?

We've gotten some pretty silly and uninformed opinions and questions. Most revolve around the violence and poverty, suggesting that as "rich" Americans we'll be targeted and robbed at gunpoint. However, reading through the crime statistics on government websites, it looks like our chances of getting robbed or beaten are the same or less than in any large-ish city in America. I don't know why people think America is so, so safe compared to other countries, especially poor ones. America has some of the worst poverty and violent crime rates!

Playa Marsella 

Our research has revealed Nicaragua to a be a place of unspoiled beauty, nice and helpful people, suitable as a retirement destination for ex-pats, led by a government and a people intent on preserving Nica's best qualities and growing tourism in the right direction - national parks, eco-friendly accommodations, informative websites, bilingual operators.

After reading blogs, contacting hotel owners, inquiring after acquaintances who have been there, I can find few reasons for the amount of fear I'm met with when I tell people where we're going. I am, honest to God, more terrified of walking alone in any US city and backpacking through Yosemite than I am to go to Nica.

What am I worried about in Nica? A few things which I think warrant concern, but certainly not fear.
1. The roads & driving! They are apparently pretty bad and it is unsafe to drive them at night because you could literally drive off a cliff or nose dive into a sinkhole. And I read a few cautionary tales of traffic violations & accidents. Don't want to get locked up! Yikes!
2. Our belongings. We'll have some valuable-ish things with us. Camera, clothing, money, IDs, jewelry? What do we do with our things on the beach when we both want to go into the water? Hmm.
3. Taxis. I'm not super concerned about this, but there are scam drivers. You can tell which taxis are safe based on their license plates, though.
4. Bugs! I hate bugs. I can't stand the sound of a buzzing mosquito at night. And if I feel like there might be crawly things in/on/near my bed, I cannot sleep. The lodge we're staying at the second half of the trip is kind of open air. But it can't be too bad or they wouldn't build them, right?
5. Food and water. This is just in my mind, not a major concern. I drink a ton of water throughout the day, we'll just have to make sure we pack enough bottled water each day so we don't get dehydrated. Since I eat gluten free, I wonder how easy it will be to avoid flour in things, but research has suggested most of the local food is corn based, and produce is always safe. There may be a few uncomfortable days. We shall see.

Beyond that, I am not concerned at all and very much looking forward to this adventure!

Don't be afraid of the unknown, take risks, learn, live life, grow actively. We have few precious opportunities like these, so take advantage of them!

I will soon post our tentative itinerary for this trip, and more photos, stay tuned!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Four states, four days

I regularly find myself traveling through several states in one weekend. This weekend was unusual, but so worth it.

After work on Thursday I drove from Louisville to Waukegan in northern Illinois to see my younger brother graduate from Navy boot camp (also, read about his Navy cruise here). I also got to see my parents, my older brother and his fiance, and her family.

We woke up at 5 on Friday to get to the base 2 hours early to get good seats. The ceremony involved a lot of processional type stuff - presentation of state flags, officers, the divisions, and music. It was great, not really what I expected, I didn't get sentimental and cry, but it was fascinating. It really stirred up feelings of pride and curiosity - for the military, for my brother. I got two hats and a workout tank in the NEX. Definitely need a bumper sticker too.

We all spent time together on Friday. Got lunch at an Asian place. Got dinner at a nice steakhouse. They had a pretty dang good ahi tuna salad. Unfortunately, we had to say adios to Patrick that night. He had to be at the airport at 1 am, for a flight leaving at 6 am (yuck). My parents met him there and stayed till he left (yeesh).

The next morning we met up with Jeremy and Maggie and Maggie's family for breakfast. I had run 4 miles at 630 that morning and refueled my calorie deficit with gluten free pancakes (omg), sausage, eggs, and fruit. Oink.

After that, Jeremy and Maggie headed off to a cake tasting and I went back to the hotel with my parents for a little bit. We parted ways and it was my intention to go home to Louisville and have a relaxing remainder of the weekend.

A couple hours into my trip while talking to Joe, I decided to just drive to Troy (same distance) to see him and go to the Strawberry Festival. We had not seen each other in nearly a month. Horrible. It was a great decision, but that meant I had to drive three hours back to Louisville on Sunday. So ready for this to be over!

Strawberry festival was typical. Partially rainy, partially hot, crowded with obese people. Joe biked 34 miles with his sister on Sunday morning and I ran 4.37 miles. We spent some time planning out our honeymoon. We. can. not. wait.

So, now I'm back at work. I'm actually working on things to help prepare my coworkers for my impending departure! Alleluia! 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

How to spend a day off

It's a rare occasion for me to have a weekend to myself, especially with all this wedding planning junk. But I recently had two consecutive weekends to myself and one was Memorial Day weekend!

How did I spend my time? Making messes and getting sweaty.

My first weekend off I spent making tulle skirts for our flower girls. I also did some trail running. I also got all my laundry done before the sun set...

The second weekend off, I made a bikini, purchased more fabric for sewing a shirt and a skirt, went trail running, and cooked a whole bunch. I cleaned my kitchen and bathroom, and vacuumed.


When presented with downtime, my tendency is to create large messes, clean them up halfway when I reach a stopping, and move on to something else. Something else usually consists of making another type of mess, or getting unreasonably sweaty, or actually sitting down to enjoy the weather (I actually sat down and wrote!).

I could not have asked for two more beautiful weekends and I took full advantage of them. I was sincerely missing downtime - the ability to choose among my interests and not have that affect anything else I wanted or needed to do.

On a regular basis, when I choose one thing to do, I sacrifice a host of others, all the while feeling as though I'm wasting a whole lot of time.

I truly cannot wait to regain my freedom and dictate my days (to an extent, I know). I'm ready for August 24 and beyond. I just hope it (and Joe) is ready for me and my messes and my lofty dreams!

Friday, May 24, 2013



I am having some seriously serious daydreams and wanderlust.

Currently flooding my mind- the absolute perfection of fresh mahi mahi fish tacos from a food truck at a sandy picnic table on the North Shore. I can't remember the flavors perfectly or what else was in the dish, but my Lord, I remember perfectly well how amazing it tasted. Post-fish tacos, we went snorkeling, but it was a little choppy and cool.
*Update - going through Joe's pics on FB and I saw he mentioned it in some comments. The truck is called Pupukea Grill. Go there. 


My obsession with the beach at this point is borderline unhealthy. The desire to travel, dig my toes into the sand, spend multiple days in swimsuits, acquire several layers of sunscreen, sand, salt, and sweat, is almost unbearable! I've never had it quite this bad! I don't know if it's because almost exactly one year ago, Joe and I were doing just that, or if it's because I know that in three months, we will be married and packing for Nicaragua.

Either way, I'm completely smitten, head-over-heals, obsessed, transfixed and mesmerized by everything that has to do with the beach.

Thus. I am going to make myself a swimsuit. Duh.

Thus. I am going to paint beach scenes this long, Memorial Day weekend.

Thus. I will hopefully get some sun bathing in. Good Lord, I am white.

Thus. I have followed a whole host of new beachy bloggers. Cue copious time-wasting and envy.


Alright, now, who will fund a trip to the beach (any beach!) for me!? I'll sport any product and say anything in front of a camera you want!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Moving Forward

The past few months have been a considerable improvement to my overall well-being, happiness and contentment.

Not only am I able to recognize when I feel good/happy/content/focused, I feel those things more often.

Some of it has to do with the fact that the weather is so much better. I knew winter affected me, but I guess I didn't realize how much. A couple nice days in March and I felt a million times better.

Now it's May, almost 90 degrees with 70% humidity, and the word I want to use to describe the way this feels is delectable. I live for summer - sweat, ice cream (it's ok because you sweat so much), sunshine, hours lost at a park, smiling people, smiling dogs, pools, the smell of cut grass, music, grilling, bikinis, tan lines, sandals, iced drinks, lush trees. I could go on and on.

This summer is shaping up to be one of the best and one of the most challenging summers of all time.

Here's a list of some of the things on mine and Joe's list
1. Finish pre-marriage counseling
2. Get our engagement pics taken
3. Close on our house & start renovating
4. See John Mayer in concert in Milwaukee! Finally!
5. Have a wedding shower
6. Take dance classes
7. Complete wedding planning!? Ah!
8. Get married! Finally! Hooray!
9. Move into our new house and continue renovating...
10. See Mumford & Sons in Troy
11. Go on our honeymoooooon

And that brings us to Fall. Whoa.

There won't be much time for relaxation, spontaneous excursions or grilling. But this summer is a time of personal preparation. Though we are slightly overwhelmed by wedding planning, and desirous of a relaxing summer, we both know this summer is the one we have to essentially give up so that we can get married and finally start building the life we want together. Therefore our next summer together will be amazing!

I'm hoping to increase my blogging frequency and perhaps strive to grow my readership again. With house renovation likely being forefront in my life after August, I should have plenty to share. Not to mention wedding and honeymoon and concert details. Gosh, summer is the best.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Colossians 3:2-3

2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. 3 For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.

As I stress about wedding planning and spending money, it's important to remember that the things that go into a wedding are not very important. Yeah, if we are throwing a party, we need to have certain things to make a nice occasion but the most important component of the wedding is the love between my fiance and I and the example of faith we set during and after the wedding.

So, while my mind is occupied by dinnerware, catering, flowers, decorations, etc, I must consciously decide to spend time focusing on God, faithful pursuits and nurturing the spiritual component of my relationship with Joe, something we are not very good at. But the second verse here reminds us that our selves, the selves that fail miserably at every single thing possible, are dead. They are dead, but being alive in Christ means having the strength to love, conquer, succeed, be at peace. And when we focus on earthly things, we are focusing on the dead part of our selves. When we focus on heavenly things, we focus on Christ-given life, glorifying God as we do, and that is our purpose on earth.

My affirmation today, which is carried over from last night:

I am grateful for all that I have in life, thanks be to God.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Verse and Affirmation

The verse I have chosen for today comes from Colossians 1:9-12

9 For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives,[a] 10 so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, 11 being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, 12 and giving joyful thanks to the Father, who has qualified you[b] to share in the inheritance of his holy people in the kingdom of light. (NIV)

Sometimes, as we get busy with our day-to-day activities, we forget that we have people praying for us. Some of these people we know and some we do not know. God's love extends to all and as Christians we are called by Christ to pray for fellow believers, those we know and those we do not know.

Christians all across the world experience different kinds of suffering and success and as they pray for fellow Christians, we must be reminded to pray for them too. Not only will our prayers lift up others, but we will be uplifted through their prayers too, and that little boost can be all that we and someone else needs to make it through the day.

Today's affirmation is by Louise L Hay

I release the need for struggle and suffering.

Sometimes we are so hard on ourselves, and repeatedly beating ourselves up creates an atmosphere of despair and anger. We don't need to do that. We do not need to allow struggle and suffering to take over our day. God has redeemed and forgiven us and it's ok to repent, acknowledge our shortcoming or our struggle, and forgive ourselves and move on. Call on God to help you release the need for struggle and suffering.

Remember this: I deserve every happiness, and I create my life free of hardship and suffering. I am truly blessed. I stand tall and proud of who I am and all that I have and will achieve.*

*From Treasure Yourself, by Miranda Kerr, page 130.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

2012 | 2013

I want to bid 2012 a proper farewell. I'm glad to leave it behind and see what 2013 will bring.

2012 was a strange year.
The majority of the time, I felt pretty down, if not down, then at least somewhere in the middle.

The downers:
- My working environment really wears on me mentally.
- Long distance wears on Joe & I emotionally.
- I learned both grandmothers' cancers had returned, and my mom's mom isn't going to survive this time around.
- I've struggled with body image and weight.
- My parents and I had some pretty decent spats.
- Money has been tight. Really, really tight.
- I have been unsure about what I want to do with my life/career next.
- My younger brother got booted from NROTC & had to drop out of school.

But, my highs were really high:
- Joe & I took a great trip to Hawaii in May.
- We canoed 20 miles in 100 degree heat and had a great time.
- We went to WI over Labor Day and he got to know some of my other family members better.
- I went to Nashville to visit one of my best friends.
- Another best friend got engaged and asked me to be a bridesmaid.
- I went to DC with my family to see my mom, older brother and future sister-in-law run the Marine Corps 10k.
- Joe & I ran the Color Run in Cincinnati and had a blast.
- Joe & I backpacked and camped in Red River Gorge, in the most amazing weather ever.
- Joe & I got engaged! Finally! And wedding planning has been good so far!
- My older brother & his girlfriend finally got engaged!
- My parents got a new puppy, which I got to play with during my week-long stay in WI over Christmas.
- My dying grandmother got to see me in my wedding dress, with her jewelry on. It was so special.
- My parents got to take a trip to Scotland. And they brought back a plethora of wonderful goods for us kiddos.
- A very blessed Christmas and New Years with my family and Joe.

What do I have to look forward to in 2013?
- My wedding!
- My brother's wedding!
- Three friends' weddings!
- A honeymoon...
- A trip w/ my younger brother before he goes to basic?
- Moving to a new city and moving in with Joe.
- Making & keeping resolutions.
- Leaving my job and pursuing something new!
- Other things I don't know yet!

Here's to 2013, may it be better than 2012 for everyone!