Friday, February 18, 2011

Thought Splatter

This post is probably not going to have any direction. It's where I'm at.

I love architecture. Especially bungalows. I still think about being an architect. I can hardly wait to get started on our house design project. We're visiting the lot today.

I love working out. We ran intervals yesterday. It was just like high school, except I am not fast. Not even remotely fast. I was hardly winded and barely broke a sweat.

I love coffee. I am trying to cut back. But I just had another 2 cups.

I love Joe. We're rapidly approaching 12 months, that's 1 year, of official dating. It's been more than a year since we started seeing each other.

I love horses. I think about them all the time. I can't wait to own one. I am already thinking of ways I will start saving money once I have a job.

I love dogs, too. I think about them almost as much as I think about horses.

I love photography. If it wasn't so ugly outside, I'd take more photographs.

I love writing. I have written in my journal 3 days in a row. That is an accomplishment.

I love warm weather. I love warm weather. I love warm weather. Thank you global climate change!

I love the birds that sit chirping and chomping seeds on my balcony. I will get a photo of that cardinal. I will.

I love blogging. Reading blogs is one of my favorite things to do.

I love looking at "design" and anything that might fall into that category.

I love designing printed things. I probably should have minored in graphic design.

I love food, and thinking about food. And I can't wait to have my own organic garden.

I love building things. I really, really want to build myself a desk similar to the old, wooden architect's desks that have adjustable tops.

I did not expect to write a list of things I loved. I was going to mix it up. And, in fact, I'm not feeling especially positive and happy about my situation at the moment. But last night I journaled my concerns and gave in to my pity, then followed with all the good things about my life right now. I felt better. It must have carried over.

In other news, I have a phone interview with TFA. I am applying to jobs left and write. (I am going to leave that as write, instead of right, because I think it illuminates something about my subconsciousness, I think) I am crafting a letter to send to horse businesses in the marketing/communications field. I really need to buy toilet paper today. And do laundry. And read for my architecture class. And do something artsy. And go to the UofL v. UConn game. And workout or do yoga, probably yoga. And yikes, I really need to figure out how to do this dang content analysis.

So I guess this post was all over the place. Okay. I'm done.

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