Thursday, May 15, 2014


I want to go. Anywhere. I need to be filled with new air, new sounds, new tastes, new colors, new textures. I read books and blogs, look for new jobs, look for people doing the things I want to be doing. I'm constantly someone somewhere else in my mind. 

Wall near Bab Mansour gate, Meknès, Morocco
Something's missing, and I don't know what it is... Or do I? I want a life I can't live. 
I just want to travel. I want a horse. I want time to slow down. I want to bake and cook and eat with pleasure. I want to feel God's presence again. I want stories people want to hear. I want to be taken seriously. I want to find the light through the trees. 

I want so many things, and at the same time, I want to cut away everything that is unnecessary. 

from pinterest. don't know the source. sorry!
 I just can't picture my life without constant travel. I got a taste of it - true, true travel - in Nicaragua and I must have it. It's part of the reason I started a bikini business. I'm trying so hard to craft the life I want to live. When can I live it?

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