Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Making a Change

This is not a new concept at all, but I'd like to share a little inspiration or advice for making that Big Change in your life. A Big Change could be meeting new people, picking up a hobby, changing jobs, changing careers, saving for something you want, anything really. You want something to be different, but you don't always know where to start.

It's a tough place to be. I've been there. I am there. We can always be there.

So, what does it look like to make the Big Change in your life? Let's say the change is really, really big, like going to graduate school. You can't just go to graduate school tomorrow can you? No, you have to get admitted, but before that you have to apply, and before that you have to find schools to apply to, and before that you have to take a standardized test, and before that you have to study. So really, to get into grad school, you must now do the next thing you can do, which is purchase study materials. That's all, that's all you have to. When you do that, you can schedule your test. Then you study. And you just do the next thing you can do with your current level of preparation.

Let's say the change is smaller and you want to meet new people. You think to yourself, how can I possibly meet new people? I work with a small group of people, my college friends are far away, I am busy. Well, let me ask you then, is there anything in your life that you do regularly that you wouldn't actually consider a priority? Like watching TV. Or taking naps, or scrolling through social media, or taking on projects you dislike... Where is your free time, and where could it be if you prioritized your actions? Ok, so you've identified some free time (and it doesn't have to be a lot), what's that one hobby or activity you're always thinking about that you wish you did more of? Right, I knew you had one, why aren't you doing it? Stop watching TV (you won't miss it, really), now go sign up for that class (Google is an amazing tool, USE IT). So now, you've just found a group of people with whom you share an interest, talk to them about that interest, make a friend!

So, the gist of this is, since you obviously can't just do that Big Change tomorrow, you must simply take the next step in the process of that change, however small. This of course requires some thought, careful consideration, an outline maybe, and talking to your spouse, depending on how big your Big Change is. 

A personal example:

I want to buy a horse and become my horsegirl self again. Well, it's very easy to say "we don't have enough money," "what if we move," "where will it live," "someday..." BUT, let's put pen to paper and write it out, what would the steps actually be to purchase a horse?

1. I need to make sure I have enough money saved up and incoming to pay for and support the horse.
2. I need to find a place for it to live.
3. I need a vet and a farrier and someone to care for it when I'm not there.
4. I need the accoutrements to care for and enjoy the horse.
5. I need transport for the horse to bring it to it's new home.
6. I need to find the horse. 

So, I can't do all of these at once, each of these has their own separate list of to-dos, so I start with number one and start looking for extra income. Then I move on to number two and start looking at barns. (Here conveniently, I've found part time work at the barn I hope to board at). Then I move on to three and so on. So, I now have a plan in place that I am actively working on and that will keep me busy up until the point I bring the horse home, then I can start being that horsegirl again.

This strategy works for all things. Just try it on something small. It's especially helpful if you do actually write down all your steps. Then, just do that first small thing!

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