Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Lesson No. 2 - My left foot is not as dexterous as my right.

I had my third riding lesson on Monday. I rode with another woman of similar skill, I think she normally rides dressage. Both of us had inept feet, and my left was especially unskilled. In saddleseat riding the rider holds their lower leg away from the horse, with toes pointed almost in. In effect it looks like the rider is sitting on a chair. There are reasons for this but I won't get into them.

They put me on yet again a "more challenging" horse. But, it turns out he wasn't challenging to ride but fun! I like him, he had a tangible personality and his canter was very smooth. He, like the first horse, preferred one lead over another, but I got him to pick up the correct leads and the instructor, I believe, was impressed. Hey, I am no novice rider!

Next week she said she'll put me on a better horse. That it was fun to be able to use a different horse each time I came out. Unfortunately, next week is my last paid lesson. I don't think I would continue with saddleseat lessons anyway, but I will miss being on top of a horse. It just feels right! I would like to try hunter jumper or dressage for a while and see what that's like.

I can't believe I thought these lessons would satiate me. They've only increased my hunger exponentially. Which is depressing and now the only thing I think or talk about is horses. Poor Joe, he has to listen to me reiterate my love for horses multiple times during our daily phone talks. He is an excellent listener but I am going to try to talk less about horses. It's really difficult, being that that's the only topic my mind falls to in conversational lulls.


So here are some pictures of my first two days at the World Equestrian Games. Since I am a volunteer I don't really get much time or access to go to the actual events there, but I was able to walk around the grounds. I will go earlier again on Friday, or maybe Saturday and walk around more. I wish the events had not been so expensive because I would have liked to see jumping or dressage. The volunteer stuff kinda sucks. Basically I stand on my feet the entire day and look in people's bags. But, I made some friends, even though they are UK students. I love horses. So much!

Part of the cross country course.

The gigantic outdoor stadium/arena they built specifically for the Games.

Inside the arena, riders practicing for the opening ceremonies.

The giant indoor arena for dressage.

The stalls I want...

More of the cross country course.

Outdoor practice ring.

Statue outside the outdoor arena.

This guy practicing dressage.... I almost melted.
The horse. was. floating.

More of the cc course.

The opening ceremonies. To which I did not possess a $150 ticket.

Participants of the opening ceremonies practicing.

I'm pretty sure this is Stacey Westfall... I hope it was, because then I can say I saw Stacey Westfall riding at the World Equestrian Games.

Look at her! I want to do that!

And this guy, just laying his horse down in the middle of the ring... I don't really understand why people do this. I guess to demonstrate their horse's trust? Or the rider's skill? It seems superfluous.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A Picture Story of Part of an Awesome Weekend

Welcome to Keeneland. 
The Racetrack-

The Grounds


The Stables

Prospective Buyers Looking at Yearling Thoroughbreds


The Castle in Lexington ... I don't know...

Saturday Morning
Joe's Giant Pancake ...

He thought he could flip it ...

But he couldn't really so I took over and made perfect pancakes.
Banana Pancakes + Brown sugar & butter syrup = Best pancakes ever.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Horses, horses and more horses

Well, this past Friday I went to Lexington for horsey things.

First, I went and picked up my volunteer uniform for the World Equestrian Games. I am volunteering four days: the coming Friday and Saturday and the following Friday and Saturday. They will be long days because I am going to go out there about an hour or two early so I can look around, take pictures and see some of the best in the horse competition industry. My uniform is sick. Two extremely nice Ariat polos, an Ariat windbreaker, baseball hat, drawstring bag, water bottle and poncho, and my ID gives me general admission to the Games. Unfortunately, I'd have to buy a ticket for each competition I'd want to see, and they're expensive. But, that's why I'm volunteering!

After my uniform pickup, I went to Keeneland for the yearling Thoroughbred auctions, yes the bigguns, the million dollar horses. I wandered around for about an hour before the rest of my Equine Finance and Economics classes arrived. We were there on the 5th day of the 14 day sale and approximately 1400 horses had gone through the sale. They were all so pretty...We were there for several hours, learning about the auctions, looking at conformation and trying not to get run over by the babies. Although all the horses on the day we were there were cataloged at the same quality, the range of prices was from $10,000 to $250,000. The auctions were really cool and if you're ever in Kentucky in September, it would be wise to go for a little while. It's completely free and absolutely fascinating.

Today, I had my second lesson at LEC. They put me on a more challenging horse, which apparently wasn't challenging enough. The instructor said Raleigh was too easy for me. I'm amused by this. I said I had experience ...

Nevertheless, I think I did better than last time. It's still really difficult to keep my toes pointed in and my heels away from the horse and hold his head high. Most importantly though, I was on a horse, sweating, using muscles I forgot I had and I was on a horse (repetition intended).

I am considering taking group lessons at this hunter jumper/dressage barn nearby, Mint Spring Stables. They are only $30 for an hour. I should maybe get a p/t job first. But I'm hooked again and I don't think four little lessons will be enough!

Next Monday = next lesson. This Friday, Saturday = WEG!

Oh horses.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Lesson No.1- Saddleseat is not a variation of English riding.

Today, I rode a horse for the first time since August 2009. It felt like it was supposed to. Except for the fact that it was a style of riding I have never done before- Saddleseat.

I have always had a negative opinion about Saddleseat. Here's why: The horse's movement looks unnatural, the rider looks uncomfortable and I find most Saddleseat horses kind of ugly.

Since this ride was bought at a huge discount, I will try Saddleseat. I bought a Groupon for 3 riding lessons and 1 evaluation lesson at the Louisville Equestrian Center, it cost $84. Of course I bought it. I bought it early in the summer and have been putting them off for months. Now that I feel like my life is slightly in order, I finally feel free to use them. And, it's not so hot anymore.

They put me on their second easiest horse, Troubador. I told them I had a lot of riding experience, but I suppose they can never be too sure. He was a cute, slow, old pinto, only capable of cantering on the right lead.

We started out walking, and trotting. I want to say I felt rusty, but I can honestly say, I didn't. I never was good at picking up the correct diagonal but I know how to switch. He was a pleasant ride, really. We moved on to cantering. As I said, he only knew the right lead. I thought I would have some difficulty at the canter, but I did not and I was relieved.

The real difficulty I had was in keeping my knees tight to the saddle and my hands off his neck. Saddleseat is completely unlike English hunt seat and western. I had to squeeze my knees tight and turn my heels and calves away from his sides. It has been so ingrained in me to keep contact with the horse along my entire leg that this was very difficult. Additionally, I had to hold a crop and keep my hands up, elbows bent at a 90 degree angle. Totally opposite from western and hunt seat, where the elbow has only a slight bend and the hands are low over the withers.

But, I think I improved on this technique by the end of the lesson and will grow accustomed to this style over the next three lessons.

I don't think I will ever have an interest in riding saddleseat on a regular basis. I really enjoy the intricacy of a western horsemanship class or an English equitation class. Plus, I just don't have an interest in owning a horse suited for saddleseat. They are not as pretty to me, and pretty is pretty important in my horse obsession. I don't like how they hold their heads/have their heads held up.

Anyway, keep your eyes open for further developments on riding lessons and my day in Lexington tomorrow.


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sorry, a list is the best method at the moment

I feel so busy! Here's a list.

~ Equine Finance- tricky because I have not had finance so I am playing catch-up all the time.
~ Equine Economics- same as above except I haven't had upper level economics.
~ Communication Law- this class is not very fun. my professor is really weird too. I don't like case briefs.
~ Indie Poetry Publishing, Honors Seminar- I like poetry. but... we talk about feelings a lot. and lesbians. my emotions are very mixed.
~ Weightlifting- by far my favorite class. we lift weights. I am getting strong.

Senior Thesis
~ just submitted my proposal on the 13th. my topic is the usability of equine publication's web sites. I will be doing a case study on three horse magazine web sites and I will become an expert.

~ just shelled out $160 bucks to take this stupid test. studying will commence soon.

~ the World Equestrian Games start on the 25th. I will be volunteering and this will be very interesting because I will have to be there either really really early or really really late.

~ this Friday will be spent in Lex. I have to pick up my WEG uniform then I am meeting my finance and econ classes at Keeneland for some hot thoroughbred yearling auctions. yes these are the million dollar yearlings.

Boyfriend Joe
~ we successfully completed 6 months as a couple on the 11th.
~ he has a job which he works very hard at in Versailles OH.
~ we've seen each the past two weekends and I'll see him this weekend. then we won't see each other for a while since he'll be traveling (it's a real job!) and I'll be at WEG.
~ then I will probably go visit him in OH.

Horsey Lessons
~ when I finish this and leave the library I am going to call the center and schedule some.

that's all...

love, Becky