Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sorry, a list is the best method at the moment

I feel so busy! Here's a list.

~ Equine Finance- tricky because I have not had finance so I am playing catch-up all the time.
~ Equine Economics- same as above except I haven't had upper level economics.
~ Communication Law- this class is not very fun. my professor is really weird too. I don't like case briefs.
~ Indie Poetry Publishing, Honors Seminar- I like poetry. but... we talk about feelings a lot. and lesbians. my emotions are very mixed.
~ Weightlifting- by far my favorite class. we lift weights. I am getting strong.

Senior Thesis
~ just submitted my proposal on the 13th. my topic is the usability of equine publication's web sites. I will be doing a case study on three horse magazine web sites and I will become an expert.

~ just shelled out $160 bucks to take this stupid test. studying will commence soon.

~ the World Equestrian Games start on the 25th. I will be volunteering and this will be very interesting because I will have to be there either really really early or really really late.

~ this Friday will be spent in Lex. I have to pick up my WEG uniform then I am meeting my finance and econ classes at Keeneland for some hot thoroughbred yearling auctions. yes these are the million dollar yearlings.

Boyfriend Joe
~ we successfully completed 6 months as a couple on the 11th.
~ he has a job which he works very hard at in Versailles OH.
~ we've seen each the past two weekends and I'll see him this weekend. then we won't see each other for a while since he'll be traveling (it's a real job!) and I'll be at WEG.
~ then I will probably go visit him in OH.

Horsey Lessons
~ when I finish this and leave the library I am going to call the center and schedule some.

that's all...

love, Becky

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