Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Lesson No. 2 - My left foot is not as dexterous as my right.

I had my third riding lesson on Monday. I rode with another woman of similar skill, I think she normally rides dressage. Both of us had inept feet, and my left was especially unskilled. In saddleseat riding the rider holds their lower leg away from the horse, with toes pointed almost in. In effect it looks like the rider is sitting on a chair. There are reasons for this but I won't get into them.

They put me on yet again a "more challenging" horse. But, it turns out he wasn't challenging to ride but fun! I like him, he had a tangible personality and his canter was very smooth. He, like the first horse, preferred one lead over another, but I got him to pick up the correct leads and the instructor, I believe, was impressed. Hey, I am no novice rider!

Next week she said she'll put me on a better horse. That it was fun to be able to use a different horse each time I came out. Unfortunately, next week is my last paid lesson. I don't think I would continue with saddleseat lessons anyway, but I will miss being on top of a horse. It just feels right! I would like to try hunter jumper or dressage for a while and see what that's like.

I can't believe I thought these lessons would satiate me. They've only increased my hunger exponentially. Which is depressing and now the only thing I think or talk about is horses. Poor Joe, he has to listen to me reiterate my love for horses multiple times during our daily phone talks. He is an excellent listener but I am going to try to talk less about horses. It's really difficult, being that that's the only topic my mind falls to in conversational lulls.

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