Monday, September 20, 2010

Horses, horses and more horses

Well, this past Friday I went to Lexington for horsey things.

First, I went and picked up my volunteer uniform for the World Equestrian Games. I am volunteering four days: the coming Friday and Saturday and the following Friday and Saturday. They will be long days because I am going to go out there about an hour or two early so I can look around, take pictures and see some of the best in the horse competition industry. My uniform is sick. Two extremely nice Ariat polos, an Ariat windbreaker, baseball hat, drawstring bag, water bottle and poncho, and my ID gives me general admission to the Games. Unfortunately, I'd have to buy a ticket for each competition I'd want to see, and they're expensive. But, that's why I'm volunteering!

After my uniform pickup, I went to Keeneland for the yearling Thoroughbred auctions, yes the bigguns, the million dollar horses. I wandered around for about an hour before the rest of my Equine Finance and Economics classes arrived. We were there on the 5th day of the 14 day sale and approximately 1400 horses had gone through the sale. They were all so pretty...We were there for several hours, learning about the auctions, looking at conformation and trying not to get run over by the babies. Although all the horses on the day we were there were cataloged at the same quality, the range of prices was from $10,000 to $250,000. The auctions were really cool and if you're ever in Kentucky in September, it would be wise to go for a little while. It's completely free and absolutely fascinating.

Today, I had my second lesson at LEC. They put me on a more challenging horse, which apparently wasn't challenging enough. The instructor said Raleigh was too easy for me. I'm amused by this. I said I had experience ...

Nevertheless, I think I did better than last time. It's still really difficult to keep my toes pointed in and my heels away from the horse and hold his head high. Most importantly though, I was on a horse, sweating, using muscles I forgot I had and I was on a horse (repetition intended).

I am considering taking group lessons at this hunter jumper/dressage barn nearby, Mint Spring Stables. They are only $30 for an hour. I should maybe get a p/t job first. But I'm hooked again and I don't think four little lessons will be enough!

Next Monday = next lesson. This Friday, Saturday = WEG!

Oh horses.

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