Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Making Life

A beautiful life is crafted by following the heart, your heart. To tune out distractions, be honest with yourself and stay true is the hardest part, harder than the actual doing.

I'm constantly entwined in the internet and all the beautiful things shared in it. I'm on Pinterest, Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter, Blogger, and probably some sites I've completely forgotten about. I see beautiful things all day. I envy people, I long for places I've never been, I crave things, but most of all I crave a beautiful life. And to see others with seemingly beautiful lives can often be just a reminder to me that I don't have all that I want. But, the reality is that people that only share the beautiful things online, we see the best moments of people's lives constantly, so our expectations get completely out of whack.

A blog I follow (that's really no longer active) is truly so beautiful I could cry. But, the author writes so honestly that I know she struggles to maintain peace and happiness as well. What her blog always reminds me of is that a beautiful life is truly up to you, you craft it and you edit it, but you don't have to share it.

Sometimes I get caught up in feeling the need to be involved in all these social media things because the people whose lives I admire do so. But, the fact is that I won't have a happy life living in someone else's virtual world and a happy life won't come to me through pictures of perfection on the internet. I have to go make it.

I have to go make my life. Life should come first. A beautiful life will result when you stay true to your heart. Facing your heart may be the hardest part, because it forces you to come to terms with your insecurities, indecision and weaknesses. But only by facing those things can we ever expect to grow or go anywhere.

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