Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Get Styled for the Holidays


Nordstrom is having a major sale, and it's absolutely perfect timing. The holidays are approaching fast, and I'd love to help you put together some outfits (and score some deals).

Keaton Row is a personal styling website. When you sign up with me, I put together some outfits based on your needs, you make a purchase through Keaton Row, and I get commission on the retail price. You never pay more than the retail price for what you decide to buy. It's a pretty sweet deal if you ask me.

Sign up here and let's start shopping!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Every walk is a new walk

A walk through the woods is never the same, even when you take the same path each time.

I've found my walks to be so much more enjoyable when I actively search for the little things that hold so much beauty.

Just from today, no filters, no edits, just pure natural beauty:

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Before the Earth Goes to Sleep

Have you ever watched the shadows of clouds glide across a grassy hill, shape shifting and billowing, playing games with the sun?
Have you observed the trees waver and quiver, their leaves reaching and drawing back, shuddering in the afternoon breeze?
Have you studied the tiny refraction of the world in the raindrop on a leaf?
Do you feel the warmth of the sun on your face? it strings together new life – cell to cell – in the depth of your body.
Would you count the veins and the specks in the leaves when the sun shines through them? God is a master of stained glass.
Do you feel the curls of smoke touch your nose, a gentle caress, as they meander skyward from the evening’s fire?
Touch a petal so soft you can’t even feel it. Brush it against your cheek to ensure it is really there.
The flower will die and a new one will unfold.

The earth goes to sleep on this quiet fall morning, let these be your dreams.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Delicious Meaty Chili

I made a particularly tasty chili tonight. Recipe, loosely, is as follows.

1 medium sweet yellow onion
3 bell peppers - red, yellow, or green
1 small sweet potato, or more if you like
1 can of fire roasted tomatoes with green chiles (I got mine from Trader Joe's)
1 small can of Mexican green chiles (mine are from Trader Joe's)
2 packages of ground beef or ground turkey
1 can of pumpkin puree
1.5 cups of your preferred beans (I used a mix of red, black and chickpeas because that's what I had leftover)
Sheep's milk feta
Spices - approximated amounts, season to taste.
2 tsp Cumin
2 tsp Chili powder
2-3 Garlic cloves
2 tsp Paprika
1 tsp Cayenne pepper
1 tsp Cinnamon
1/2 tsp Cloves
1/2 tsp Allspice
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp black pepper

1. Dice your onion and begin to cook it down in a dutch oven in a tablespoon of coconut oil.
2. Chop your peppers and sweet potatoes and garlic.
3. When your onion have begun to brown, add your ground beef and break it apart with a spoon to mix into the onions.
4. After your meat is browned, add your veggies, garlic, green chiles, tomatoes, pumpkin puree, beans, and spices.
5. Add a bit of water if necessary, bring to a simmer until ready to eat. You may need to let it simmer uncovered if you think it's too runny.
6. Top with some sheep's milk feta, fresh cilantro, and tortilla chips if you'd like.

Fall Walks

Yesterday I took a hike with Cooper after the rain and we found some pretty moments in the dreary weather and half-stripped trees. The leaves are about halfway done falling. It hurts but I must strive to find the beauty in it. 

Monday, October 20, 2014

Post New York

We're back from New York and it's bittersweet. At the same time I am relieved to be free of the go-go-go-go busy streets of NYC, I miss the constant exploration and discovery of being in a new place. I'm a seeker, a dreamer, a wanderer, always needing some form of escapism. Not sure from what, since I do have a pretty wonderful life. But that sense of discovering, especially on my own three days, was refreshing.

But, now that I'm back, I'm quickly realizing that enjoying my time outside is coming to a close. The leaves are in full color now, it's happening so much faster than last year, but it's so beautiful. It's nice to take Cooper out, and when I run with him through the leaves and trees, I feel free.

I have much to look forward to and much to do. I have an interview Wednesday for something that could be really huge for me, and I am just praying to God that this is the opportunity I need. We have house projects galore that need to be done. And I have plenty of books to get through and movies to watch.

Fall is transitional. I hope this is going to be a fruitful and happy transition for me.

Up next, I'll be posting my New York vacation in parts. It may takes some time as I have a boatload of photos to go through and quite a bit of writing I'd like to do.

So, for anyone out there reading this, take advantage of your sunny days, give thanks for your opportunities, and do not be afraid of the unknown.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Work It Out (You tryna get ripped or what, brah?)

Here's my workout for today! Give it a try, it burns! This is a 2 part workout and will take about 40 minutes.

Set your interval timer to 30 seconds high intensity, 10 seconds rest, for 30 rounds.

Part 1 - You'll do each of these three times
1. Speed Skaters - Beginning on the left side of your workout space, hop to your right, landing on your right with a bend in your knee, swinging your left leg behind you, use your moment to hop to your left and so forth. More cardio: touch your opposite hand to your toes when you land and swing your other arm up to the sky.
2. Leg Lifts - On your back, with your hands under your tailbone, raise and lower your legs steadily. Keep your lower back pressed to the floor.
3. Right Arm Row - Get into a side lunge position, rest your left elbow on your left knee. Start with your weight (dumbbell or kettlebell) in your right hand down by your left foot, bring the weight to your armpit and lower.
4. Left Leg Side Lunge, Right Arm Curl - Begin standing with your weight in your right hand. Lunge sideways to the left and return to standing as you curl the weight.
5. Left Arm Row - Get into a side lunge position, rest your right elbow on your right knee. Start with your weight (dumbbell or kettlebell) in your left hand down by your right foot, bring the weight to your armpit and lower.
6. Right Leg Side Lunge, Left Arm Curl - Begin standing with your weight in your left hand. Lunge sideways to the right and return to standing as you curl the weight.
7. Right Side Plank Dips - In a forearm side plank lower your right hip to the floor and raise it as high as you can, squeezing your obliques.
8. Left Side Plank Dips - In a forearm side plank lower your left hip to the floor and raise it as high as you can, squeezing your obliques.
9. Alternating Lunges - Forward or backward, alternate left and right leg lunges. Make it harder - add a weight.
10. Alternating Get-Ups - Lie on your back, and plant your right hand and left leg on your mat, raise yourself up and touch your left hand to your right foot. Lower and switch sides.

Part 2 - Reset your timer for 30 on, 10 off, 30 rounds
1. Lunges - You pick: alternating or single leg, raised leg, plyo, curtsy, rear, forward, side... Just make sure you do both sides with whatever you pick.
2. Forearm Plank - The basic plank, engage your core, tuck your tailbone and relax your glutes.
3. Squats - You pick: wide, plyo, static, single leg, plie, narrow...
4. TIU Tummy Tucks - In a plank on your hands, bring your right knee to your right elbow, left knee to left elbow. Make it harder: do it in a forearm plank.
5. Lunges - You pick: alternating or single leg, raised leg, plyo, curtsy, rear, forward, side...
6. Russian Twists - In a seated position, knees bent, chest up, twist to the right then to the left. It helps to clasp your hands with your index fingers making a gun.
7. Squats - You pick: wide, plyo, static, single leg, plie, narrow...
8. Crunches - Hold for a breath at the top of each crunch.
9. Lunges - You pick: alternating or single leg, raised leg, plyo, curtsy, rear, forward, side...
10. Pike Reaches - Begin in a plank, stretch your right hand in front of you, now pike your hips up into downward dog and touch your hand to your left ankle. Return to plank and switch sides.
11. Squats - You pick: wide, plyo, static, single leg, plie, narrow...

***Do this^^ twice through, then finish the workout with the following:

1. Plank
2. Straight Leg Deadlift - Bend at the hips, keeping a flat back, until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings, return to standing.
3. Hip Twisters - In a forearm plank, rotate your hips to the right and left so they touch the floor, pretend there is a ball below your pelvis that you are trying to avoid.
4. Right Leg Glute Kicks - Begin on your hands and knees, extend your right leg behind you and draw a rainbow with your toe from right to left, left to right. Keep your leg straight and engage your core and glute.
5. Left Leg Glute Kicks - Begin on your hands and knees, extend your left leg behind you and draw a rainbow with your toe from right to left, left to right. Keep your leg straight and engage your core and glute.
6. TIU Tummy Tucks - Make it harder on your forearms. Love Tone It Up!
7. Straight Leg Deadlift + Row - Perform a straight leg deadlift and bring your weight to your chin, elbows out, when you stand.
8. Straight Leg Deadlift + Row - Perform a straight leg deadlift and bring your weight to your chin, elbows out, when you stand.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


So for the past couple months, I've been half-heartedly searching for part-time jobs, while trying to figure out how best to go about working for myself and in what capacity. I've come to the conclusion that I'm maybe not mature enough, or passionate enough, to pursue self-employment of some kind at this time. While it's still a goal I have, my capacity to step outside my comfort zone or get motivated is nearly non-existent.

Now, in the past few weeks, I've really stepped up my job search, primarily for part time jobs because Joe and I share a car and we've got Cooper, who deserves some time outside his kennel during the day. It's also a priority for me to take care of most of the things at home - laundry, cooking, cleaning, etc., and I am not interested in doing more of what my past experience is in a full time job. No more marketing, please, I hate it.

What I've discovered the past couple weeks is this:
1. Job hunting sucks and is really demoralizing. I knew this, just reconfirmed it.
2. I'm not interested in the things I have experience doing, and no experience in the things I'm interested in doing. I'm at an impasse, I don't know how to get around it.
3. Pretty certain my schooling was a waste of my time and money.
4. I regret not standing up for myself as an 18-yr-old, holding firm to knowing what I didn't like (sitting in offices) and what I do like (art and flexibility).
5. With more than a year now unemployed, I feel guilty for putting this kind of stress on my husband, and hopeless that there's anything out there for me that will be a good fit for my interests and capabilities.
6. I have no passion, none. For anything. It died after my freshman year of college.
7. I cannot state goals without getting major anxiety. I have never set a goal in my life.

I thought college was going to be the key to making my life goals and dreams come true. Get good grades, go to a good college, do well in college, get a good job, make enough money to fund my interests... It doesn't work like that, at all.

I don't know what to do. I want to give up, cry, go back and start over, be a different person. Not sure there's anything out there for me. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Getaway to the shores of Lake Michigan

To celebrate our first anniversary, and take a little breather from the stress, Joe and I headed up to Warren Dunes State Park in Michigan on Lake Michigan. It was fabulous. It felt like we were gone a long time, but it was only for a weekend. We camped in the park and spent Saturday on the dunes and the beach. The water was so cold! But it felt amazing.

It was Cooper's first time for everything and he handled it like a champ. He was a little hesitant about swimming, but being a retriever, he's a natural. It took quite a lot of coaxing to get him in on his own. Cooper met lots of dogs and people and loved every second of it!

On Sunday we wandered around the adorable beach town of St. Joseph. I could live there! If I had to live in a climate with 4 seasons, that might be the best spot. It's a tad touristy, but so cute and their beach park is simply spectacular.

This will definitely be a regular thing for us. At only 4.5 hours away from home, it's the closest beach where you really feel like you're away from home. The dunes are impressive, the water is clean, and the sun is hot on a good day.

Cooper really enjoyed getting dirty, digging in the sand, and chewing on sticks.

My baby dog and I.

Dirty pup trying to make sense of this place.

Lake Michigan. It's so beautiful.

The water was so cold! But it felt so good!

Our campsite. With a super sleepy puppy. And a husband who is not drinking alcohol.

Standard self-timer photo. Passed out puppy.

Wedding cake! Still so delicious!

Mr. Huber + cake

Mrs. Huber + cake.

His official adventure dog portrait.

This one might be more accurate. He played so hard. 

Thursday, July 17, 2014

WOD - Cardio

20 minute or 2 mile run. Aim for under 10 min/mile

Set your interval timer for 15 rounds of 30 sec high intensity and 30 seconds low intensity. Or 30 rounds of 30 seconds high intensity, no rest.

Complete the following with no rest. You'll do three rounds.

  • Pushups with leg kicks. Do one pushup, in plank position, kick heel out to the side parallel to the ground. Repeat on opposite side until 30 sec are up.
    • Jump Rope
  • Box jumps. Jump up onto any solid surface as high as you can.
    • Jump Rope
  • Kettlebell swings. You can alternate hands or use two hands. 
    • Jump Rope
  • Bent over, single arm row + dead lift. Right hand.
    • Jump Rope
  • Bent over, single arm row + dead lift. Left hand.
    • Jump Rope

Friday, June 20, 2014

Did you know...?

I have a super awesome side business making bikinis, hand-dyed scarves, and handbags? Also, my blog over there is pretty amazing.

Please take a look!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

I have to go back

I have to go back. Or somewhere to feel the expansion of my head and heart once more.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Taking Stock 2

Bit of a different tune on this one. Part 1 here.

Making: memories. 
Cooking: blueberry muffins and lemon curd. heaven.
Drinking: coffee. bucket loads.
Reading: not much. book recommendations requested.
Wanting: happiness.
Looking: at the weather report. I don't understand it.
Playing: with dirt.
Wasting: time. and talent. 
Sewing: bikinis. 
Wishing: for another escape. I can't get enough.
Enjoying: running. 
Waiting: for an endless summer
Liking: having new friends. and learning how to spend time with them.
Wondering: what's coming next. always.
Loving: the oncoming summer.
Hoping: for peace.
Marveling: at the vegetation. finally.
Needing: connection. 
Smelling: chamomile tea. stale chamomile tea. oops.
Wearing: athletic clothes constantly.
Following: everything related to travel.
Noticing: greater peace of mind about my body, eating habits. thank you, running.
Knowing: life goes on. we survive. somehow.
Thinking: too much. my mind is on overdrive and it's wearing me out.
Feeling: sticky. i love it.
Bookmarking: travel destinations.
Opening: cans of dolmas. 
Giggling: not very often.
Feeling: taxed.


if i can picture it can i create it

the world i envision
can i make it mine

the ability to imagine -
what role does it play
in the ability to do

the mind is a bigger expanse
of universe
than the universe actually is

i've created a world
that cannot be created outside
i have neither time nor money nor ability

so i dwell
i dwell
in this world

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

the unrest within herself


lack of resta restless, troubled, or uneasy state; disquiet: the unrest within himself.

The unrest within herself

when she moves
it never feels big enough
though all she craves is to move

a state of being in motion
and by being in motion
there is change
but hardly ever overturning

she wants to overturn life
to flip it on its back and
begin anew
she might finally feel

she might finally feel
the hope of a new day
the burning light inside her chest upon discovery
the expansion of her chest into new being

but today she only imagines
these things
lines them up in rows
poising her pen
ready to make the next check

Thursday, May 15, 2014


I want to go. Anywhere. I need to be filled with new air, new sounds, new tastes, new colors, new textures. I read books and blogs, look for new jobs, look for people doing the things I want to be doing. I'm constantly someone somewhere else in my mind. 

Wall near Bab Mansour gate, Meknès, Morocco
Something's missing, and I don't know what it is... Or do I? I want a life I can't live. 
I just want to travel. I want a horse. I want time to slow down. I want to bake and cook and eat with pleasure. I want to feel God's presence again. I want stories people want to hear. I want to be taken seriously. I want to find the light through the trees. 

I want so many things, and at the same time, I want to cut away everything that is unnecessary. 

from pinterest. don't know the source. sorry!
 I just can't picture my life without constant travel. I got a taste of it - true, true travel - in Nicaragua and I must have it. It's part of the reason I started a bikini business. I'm trying so hard to craft the life I want to live. When can I live it?

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Towards the end of January, Joe, on a whim, took a look at On it he found a young, male, German Shepherd Rhodesian Ridgeback mix puppy looking for a home. His name was Scotch.

Joe's two favorite breeds mingled together in a floppy eared, black and brown dog, named after one of the manliest drinks.

We decided to learn more about him and concluded that we wanted to meet him. We were given the option of taking him home that day, and in preparation, knowing we were going to, stocked up on doggy things.

We drove two hours to meet this pup, and he was sweeter than either of us could have imagined. He immediately licked our faces, but didn't jump at us. Calm, laid back but still responsive, he would lay down if he was sure he wasn't going anywhere. We fell in love right away.

A few short days after bringing him home, we found out he had a urinary tract infection, possibly kidney/bladder stones, and possibly some kind of traumatic injury to his hips or back. We were extraordinarily worried. We didn't want to give him back, he had already worked his way deep inside our hearts. We decided to get x-rays taken, and he had no apparent stones or problems with his bones, except "wide open" growth plates. The vet suspected he may have been at least beaten as a puppy because he was so sensitive about his hind end. And if he was in pain, he would simply look at you touching him with eyes that said "please stop, thanks."

We decided to keep him upon learning he only had a UTI, and "wide open growth plates." We chalked his pain up to growing pains. We gave him two rounds of antibiotics and an anti-inflammatory. He got cranberry powder in his food. We were gentle with him, even when he had to be reprimanded, which was so rare.

He came when he was called, went to the bathroom when we asked him to. He learned to ring a bell to ask to be let outside. He walked pleasantly on a leash, no pulling. He was nice to every person, big or small, young or old, sitting in front of children and licking their hands. He let a small girl in a stroller pet him, without even a glance at the sandwich she was holding right next to his face. He was kind to other dogs, never aggressive. Rarely barked. He liked to snuggle, almost knocking you over. If you didn't envelope him, he'd start pawing your hands. He loved Titus. He would whine if he couldn't get close enough to smell him. Titus would bat Scotch on the nose and paw at his tail if it went by him. Titus even began to instigate chases through the house. When he looked at us, he seemed to be saying "thank you, I will do anything you ask if you can communicate it properly." His eyes were so deep and wise and knowing. We could not fault him for anything. In short, Scotch was the perfect dog.

On a sunny Saturday a month after we got him, we took him out to a metro park for a hike. He was a joy to walk with and figured he'd like to do a bit of exploring. Unfortunately the hike was too strenuous for him. In a month he'd gained at least 5 lbs, and grown taller. He seemed to be getting around alright, but after the hike he was obviously uncomfortable and had a hard time getting up and down. I bought some doggy aspirin on Monday and gave him half a dose in the afternoon.

He was still a little sore, but the doggy aspirin seemed to help. On Monday night after dinner I gave him his heartworm and flea preventative, Trifexis. This was the first dose I had given him. The foster family had given him something else the previous month before we got him. I had a hesitation giving it to him, it smelled like weed killer. I don't like putting Titus's flea stuff on him either. I watch him with bated breath for a few days. Afterwards, Scotch just laid in the same spot all night, lethargic, but we thought he was still sore and being lazy. He's usually quiet at night, but now that I think about it, not that quiet. Before bed, we let him out to pee and he came right back in, and put himself to bed in his kennel. I said "goodnight, I love you," and went to bed.

In the morning I went downstairs to let him out to pee, but as I opened the door to the study I didn't hear him standing up and pawing at the kennel like I normally do. I knew instantly something was wrong. When I saw him laying in his kennel, I knew that he was dead. It didn't stop me from hoping and double checking, and then I was inconsolable. I pulled Joe out of the shower and together we just cried.

We took him to the vet as soon as we could and arranged the burial. It was utterly heart-destroying to wrap his body in his blanket and put it in the truck.

We both suspect the Trifexis triggered his death, and said as much to the vet, considering that was the only thing different about that night. By the time he went to bed, the doggy aspirin had worn off. There was a pool of saliva beneath him, one the known side effects of Trifexis is excessive salivation and possible seizures. After some research on the internet, we found many pet owners with similar stories regarding Trifexis. Our vet said she had never heard of something like this happening, but pursued the makers of Trifexis, Alenco, to pay for a necropsy of Scotch's body. Scotch's body is currently at Ohio State for a necropsy. Our vet is pushing to get approval for a toxicology report. She obviously suspects a drug-related death. Scotch was after all a relatively healthy animal, 9 ish months old, and in good condition. She also filed an "adverse event" with Alenco and the FDA for us.

Joe and I are absolutely destroyed by his death. In one short month, we experienced the greatest connection to an animal either of us had ever had. We now know what it is like to have an animal we don't deserve. Scotch deserved none of the bad things that had happened to him. He only deserved as much love and appreciation and care as a perfect human being could offer. He being perfect, and we being imperfect, he wasn't made for this world. We experienced a dog with a pure soul, ever gracious, ever loving. He didn't have a perfect body, except for his fluffiness, and his ears, and his scruff, and his belly, and his eyes - but a perfect soul doesn't belong on earth. Joe and I are really struggling to understand why this happened, why the process was so tortuous, why we could only be with him for a month... Our only hope is that we were given him to love him on his short journey through earth as he makes a safe path for dogs on heartworm/flea prevention.

I have never cried so much in one day, nor have I ever been so touched by a dog's unconditional love and trust. Looking into his eyes was looking into a pure soul. I have never been more convinced of the presence of a soul in a dog, and I am so sure of the fact that he was sent here on a mission from God; it is a test of patience and trust discovering what that is amidst this heartache.

Be careful when you ask God to teach you gratefulness, patience, kindness, love and trust, for he will undoubtedly provide you with the most painful growing experiences you can't even imagine.

I believe that we did our absolute best to love him and provide him a with what a true home could be. We didn't want to ever say "too good to be true" but I think, deep down, at least for me, I suspected his time here was short, and I think he knew too.

To Scotch! May you rest in peace and comfort and enjoy all the freedom and painlessness of running through heaven, taking as long as you wish smelling the smells, and chewing apart every stuffed woodland animal and beef pizzle you can find. In a short time, we will join you for full envelopment hugs and kisses on the mouth. We love you, Scotch. 

Friday, February 7, 2014

In the Midst of Chaos

The past several months have indeed been some of the most stressful of my life.

I quit my job, got married, moved, traveled to a different country, dealt with an extraordinary amount of bullshit house renovation issues (still dealing with a bunch), decided to start a business, and adopted a dog with potentially serious health problems.

In all of it, the gratefulness in my heart has never been fuller. The degree to which I have felt emotions has never been greater.

When we're struggling with bills, the decision to keep or return the sweetest dog on earth, the near constant C.F. of house renovations, the enormity of the dreams we share and hold individually, we question whether we've made the right choices from the beginning. Should we have bought the house? Should we have gotten a dog we know little about? Should we commit to starting a business with very little in the bank?

But through it all, we've constantly sought guidance from God, pleading for wisdom and knowledge and a way out should there be one. The challenge of faith is trusting that once the decision is made, there is a reason for it. Surely God would not give us the comfort and responsibility of a house if there is no underlying reason for it. Surely He would not lead us to the possession of a charming, sweet, loving, adorable dog, if we are unable to care for him properly. Surely He would not inspire us to pursue passions if there isn't something to be learned from it.

When we compare it to the story of Job, we realize how unbelievably blessed we are. God is not allowing things to be taken from us to create room for struggle, growth, faith, trust. He is giving us things to create struggle, growth, faith, trust. How generous!

When doubt, fear, sadness, and uncertainty creep in (or jump in, or takeover!), we must continually remind ourselves that God indeed has a plan for these things and if we seek Him and His wisdom, we will ultimately be better off.

Here's to trusting that God has our best interests in mind in the glorification of His kingdom.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Waiting for the Beach

I've been desperately longing for the beach after this week's unbearably cold weather. Here's a beach-inspired look for those of us who are landlocked. We've got a pretty rad sweatshirt in an ocean-y hue, cool-girl jeans, some boho boots, bright lingerie to keep it sexy, the coolest sunglasses known to man, a hat that says it all, and a bag that makes it look like you've been everywhere.

Waiting for the Beach

Nicaragua Part 5

I've saved the best for last. This was, by far, the highlight of the trip. We went on a horseback ride that took us through the forest, through the valleys, to the beach (that Survivor Nicaragua was filmed on), where we got to ride uninhibited for like an hour. Galloping up and down the beach. And get this, my horse was white and named Pegasus. Um, what? #dreamcometrue

Our guide, Blue, had us dress up like the cowboys and cowgirls we are at heart :)

Rancho Chilamate itself was a dream come true.

Perfect blend of old world indoor outdoor space. 

Pool with a view of the horse pasture...

Phenomenal doors...

El vaquero come un platano pequeno.

Mi caballo, que muy guapo, se llamo Pegasus. <3 td="">

Headed to the beach!

Joe & I riding along the beach. Picture taken on my camera by the guide, Blue. Love her.

View of San Juan del Sur, and the Jesus statue, from Pelican Eyes Resort on our last day. 

A sunset reflection in our pool.
Part 6 - A summary of this amazing trip.